News & Publications

Toledo Museum of Art symposium, July 21

On July 21, 2023 the Toledo Museum of Art will be hosting a one-day Symposium Expanding Horizons: New Approaches in Display and Interpretation that will bring together representatives from various US-Museums that have re-envisioned or are re-envisioning the presentations of their collections to tell more just...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to…  Abgail Celis (MSP11) recently published an article about France’s National Museum of Immigration’s “Gifts Gallery.”  The article, “Refusing the ‘Gift’ of Integration:  Narratives of Migration at the Galerie des dons,” was published in French Politics, Culture and Society and can be found...

Apply to the Museum Studies Program!

The Museum Studies Program invites students enrolled in any graduate program at the University of Michigan to apply for the Fall 2023 cohort.  This multidisciplinary graduate certificate program draws on ideas from the arts, humanities, natural and social sciences, and technology and provides countless...

Virtual Open House – February 3 at 12:00

The Museum Studies Program invites students enrolled in any graduate program at the University of Michigan to apply for the Fall 2023 cohort.  This multidisciplinary graduate certificate program draws on ideas from the arts, humanities, natural and social sciences, and technology and provides countless...