Elective Courses

The following is a small sample list of courses that some of our students have used in the past as electives towards their museum studies certificate.  This list give an idea of the range of disciplines that offer courses that may be used as electives. Below these sample courses are two lists.  One includes the classes that have been approved for elective credit for the upcoming semester (Winter 2025).  The other is a historical list of all classes that have been approved in the past.  Any of the courses on these lists may be used to fulfill the MSP elective requirement.

Other courses may also be used to fulfill the MSP elective requirement.  If there is a course that a student feels may be an appropriate elective but is not listed, students are advised to present the course for consideration to the MSP Director by completing the second half of the “Guidelines and Application for MSP Electives” form available to current students on the Museum Studies Dropbox site.

Examples of Elective Courses (see below for complete lists)
Course Name
AMCULT 433 Made in Detroit: A History of Art and Culture in the Motor City
AMCULT 601 Studies in American Art: Realism and Realities in American Art and Literature
ANTHRARC 497 Museum Anthropology
ANTHRCUL 545 Image-Based Ethnography
ANTHRCUL 558 Current Issues in Sociocultural Anthropology: Material Culture & Materiality
ARCH 603 The Curated University: Exhibiting UM’s Neotechnical Past
CLARCH 534 Ancient Painting
EDUC 717 Interdisciplinary Problem Solving – Law, Development, and Heritage Preservation in India
GERMAN 731 Museums and Memory
HISTART 406 Looking at African Things – Exhibiting Africa: Museum Representation of the Continent and Its People
HISTART 689 Knowledge and Visuality in Early Modern Europe
HISTORY 473 Brazil: History and Culture
HISTORY 637 Archives and Institutions of Social Memory
LAW 470 Intellectual Property Practice
MUSEUMS 401 Ethics in Museums
MUSEUMS 498 Cultures of Collecting: Museums and Literature
MUSMETH 406 Special Problems in Museum Methods
NEAREAST 438 Exhibiting Ancient Egypt: Past Culture in the Modern Museum
SI 519 Intellectual Property and Information Law
SI 580 Understanding Records and Archives
SI 629 Access Systems for Archives
SLAVIC 470 Soviet Visual Culture

Graduate Electives – Winter 2025

Graduate Electives – All courses approved thru Winter 2025