Author: Museum Studies Program

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to…  Naomi Priddy (Herman-Aplet) (MSP12)  relocated back to California this summer to accept a position as Education Director at the California Museum, a history museum in downtown Sacramento.

Feb 17 & 19 – Colonial Archives and Decolonial Museology panel discussions

We will be hosting two panel discussions about colonial archives and decolonial museology.  Both will be presented via Zoom, and registration is required. February 17: Indigenous Epistemologies: Restorative Justice in Settler-Colonial Collections This panel will consider collections relating to Native American past, present and...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to…  Anna Topolska (MSP11)   This past summer Anna published a new article in Visual Studies: The Public Process and Execution of Arthur Greiser in Poznań: Visual Rhetoric of Documentary Photography and Local Memory, in: “Res Rhetorica”, 6 (4) 2019.  Also, she recently translated (from Polish...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to… Andrew Gurstelle  (MSP09) celebrated a five-year milestone a few months ago as the director of the Museum of Anthropology at Wake Forest University. During this time, he has used what he learned from MSP to grow the university’s student engagement program from...