Public programs facilitate dialogue between academics and professionals, informing scholarship and strengthening practice.
Multiple day conferences, year-long colloquia, individual lectures, “conversations” between individuals, hands-on workshops, and Museums at Noon talks featuring our graduate students all contribute to the remarkable richness of MSP offerings.
Video recordings of some MSP lectures are archived for viewing in our Media Gallery.
Calendar of Events
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Afterthought – Remembering a Pandemic
Afterthought – Remembering a Pandemic
Five events comprise a special program spotlighting COVID commemoration as a form of political resistance. This program offers interactions with commemorative art, invites students and visitors to think about art as a form of political and social action, and includes multiple opportunities to interact...
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Dis/continuities: Unsettling Memory and Time – Charles F. Fraker Graduate Conference
Dis/continuities: Unsettling Memory and Time – Charles F. Fraker Graduate Conference
October 6 & 7 from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (see links below for location details) The Museum Studies Program is proud to co-sponsor the biannual Charles F. Fraker Graduate Conference organized by Doctoral students in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. The...
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Dis/continuities: Unsettling Memory and Time – Charles F. Fraker Graduate Conference
Dis/continuities: Unsettling Memory and Time – Charles F. Fraker Graduate Conference
October 6 & 7 from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (see links below for locations) The Museum Studies Program is proud to co-sponsor the biannual Charles F. Fraker Graduate Conference organized by Doctoral students in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. The biannual...
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Tour of “Narrating Nubia: the Social Lives of Heritage”
Tour of “Narrating Nubia: the Social Lives of Heritage”
North Campus Duderstadt Gallery (2281 Bonisteel) Join Bailey Franzoi (MSP21), Shannon Ness (MSP15 ), and Geoff Emberling (Research Scientist, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology) for a tour of “Narrating Nubia: the Social Lives of Heritage.” “Narrating Nubia” is a project funded by the UM Humanities...