Public programs facilitate dialogue between academics and professionals, informing scholarship and strengthening practice.
Multiple day conferences, year-long colloquia, individual lectures, “conversations” between individuals, hands-on workshops, and Museums at Noon talks featuring our graduate students all contribute to the remarkable richness of MSP offerings.
Video recordings of some MSP lectures are archived for viewing in our Media Gallery.
Museums at Noon
Calendar of Events
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Museum Narratives and Transnational Reputations: History, State Legitimacy, and Contested Heritage in Ukraine and Spain
Museum Narratives and Transnational Reputations: History, State Legitimacy, and Contested Heritage in Ukraine and Spain
Please join us for a Museums at Noon conversation! Title: Museum Narratives and Transnational Reputations: History, State Legitimacy, and Contested Heritage in Ukraine and Spain Date: Friday, November 13 Time: 12:00 pm Location: Online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 963 1071 4395 / Passcode: 685197) Presenters: Grace Mahoney...