News & Publications

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to…  Reed Esslinger (MSP10) has worked with the Museum of Performance + Design (MP+D) in the development of the guided tour of their archive. Through her practicum experience at MP+D, Reed and the Director of MP+D co-wrote a paper, which was presented at...

Detroit’s Heidelberg Project recognized

Congratulations to The Heidelberg Project in Detroit. December 2016 has been officially, and forever recognized as the month of the Heidelberg Project. The award was presented in person by State Representative Leslie Love at the State Capitol. This is a wonderful tribute to the...

Friday (Dec 9) brown bag presentation at noon

December 9 at 12:00 pm, UM Museum of Art Mult-Purpose Room (125) Presenter:  Daniel Miller, Invertebrate Collection Manager, UM Museum of Paleontology The presenter will provide an overview of digitization and organizational initiatives underway in the UMMP Invertebrate Collections that are designed to deal...