News & Publications

Museum Studies meet & greet Jan 24

Join us for an informal meet & greet with faculty and graduate students to share information about the program.  Applications for the 2017-18 school year are due February 24, so this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the program.  Please encourage graduate...

Brown bag Jan 13 – History Compels Us to be Daring: Sites of Conscience in Action Around the World

The International Coalition of Sites of Conscience draws connections between historic sites and their contemporary implications, and this presentation will explore ways that sites of conscience serve as safe spaces to tell multiple stories in contentious environments and provide a platform for individuals to...

Applications for 2017-18

The University of Michigan offers a unique interdisciplinary graduate program in museum studies that draws upon an exceptional array of institutional resources in the arts, humanities, sciences, social sciences, and technology.  The Museum Studies Program is a 12-credit certificate program (plus funded internship) designed...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to… Lindsay Stern (MSP07) continues to work at Etsy as Lead on Marketplace Integrity and attributes much of her success in the role to the U-M MSP experience!

Winter 2017 Brown Bag schedule

The Winter 2017 Brown Bag schedule is coming soon!  Our first presentation will be given by Julieta Cuellar, Global Networks Program Manager at the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience.  Julieta will speak on January 13 at 12:00 at the UM Museum of Art....

MSP16 at Intuit Museum

MSP16 trip to Chicago

In October 2016 the group traveled to Chicago for a few days to visit some museums.  Here are some highlights.