News & Publications

Student kudos!

Kudos to… former museum studies minor student Hannah Tanner has been promoted to Visitor Services Assistant at the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture.

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to… Helen Dixon (MSP07) recently published an article titled “Making it “Count”: Translating your Teaching Innovations into Research Output.”  The article appears in Ancient Jew Review and offers a guide for writing about teaching as applied research. This reflection explores strategies of reframing,...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to… Kathryn Holilhan (MSP14) for winning a ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award for her dissertation, “Staging the Somatic: The Popular Hygiene Exhibition in Germany, 1882-1931.”  The ProQuest award recognizes “exceptional work produced by doctoral students for the high caliber of their scholarship and the...