News & Publications

Bryan Miller

Faculty kudos!

Museum Studies Program Steering Committee member, Bryan Miller, Assistant Curator of Asian Archaeology and Assistant Professor of History of Art, is the author of a new book.  Xiongnu: The World’s First Nomadic Empire was published this past spring.  Dr. Miller was recently interviewed on...

Student kudos!

Kudos to… Katelin Mikos (MSP21) spent the summer at the American School, participating in a seminar title “The Archaeology of Caves: Cult and Life Throughout the Ages.” She is also a Rackham Public Engagement Fellow at UMMA and was invited to serve a 2-year...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to…  Felix Zamora Gomez (MSP16) who recently began a position as Program Coordinator for Engagement at UM’s Arts Initiative where he oversees workshop offerings and manages the Graduate Student Arts Research Grant.  Also, a third rotation of new acquisitions went on display in...