Michigan Museums Association October conference – Call for Session Proposals

The 2021 Virtual MMA Conference will be held October 6 & 7. The conference will have three sets of concurrent sessions, all focusing on the future of Michigan’s museums. Within that idea of looking forward to the future, each set of sessions will focus on Michigan museums generally, leadership, and social justice.
Sessions will last 45 minutes and can be a formal presentation, a facilitated discussion, a hands-on workshop or another proposed format. The platform for the conference will be Hublio, which uses Zoom. There will be a dry run for each of the sessions before the conference to give presenters a chance to use the technology. An MMA volunteer will be assigned to each session to assist with technology issues. Presenters do not need to be members of the Michigan Museums Association but will need to register for the conference.
Additional information is available here, and proposals are due by July 29.