March 9 & 10 presentations by Jean-Damascène Gasanabo, PhD: Genocide Ideology and Denial in Rwanda / Building the Gacaca Digital Archive

U-M Guest Speaker: Jean-Damascène Gasanabo, PhD, former Director General of the Research and Documentation Center on Genocide at the Rwanda National Commission for the Fight against Genocide (CNLG)11:30 AM – 1:00 PM, ETThursday, March 9Genocide ideology and denial in RwandaAbstract & bio
North Quad Space 2435 (MAP) and online
Zoom Meeting ID: 929 9489 1820 (passcode: UMSI)RSVP for lunch
2:00 – 3:30 PM, ETFriday, March 10Building the Gacaca digital archiveAbstract & bio
North Quad Space 2435 (MAP) and online
Zoom Meeting ID: 929 9489 1820(passcode: UMSI)
SIGN-UP for a U-M faculty meeting or dinner/lunch slot & PhD student group meeting or lunch.
Sponsored by the University of Michigan School of Information Data, Archives, and Information Seminar; African Studies Center; Museum Studies Program; Ethics, Society and Computing; and Franklin Innovator Residency Fund.