FAST Lecture Sept 12 – IPCAA in the Field

September’s FAST Lecture is entitled “IPCAA in the Field,” where three current IPCAA PhD students and candidates give short presentations on their own research from the past summer. This research is either separate or in conjunction with their summer excavation fieldwork and representative of the diverse interests and geographic locations in which IPCAA students work.

• Leah Bernardo-Ciddio, “Genucilia Plates from Gabii: Early Steps towards an Archeometric Approach”

• Amelia Eichengreen, “Diverse Elite Identities in Southern Central Italy”

• Craig Harvey, “Putting together the Pieces: The Roman and Nabataean Fresco Fragments from Humayma, Jordan” (MSP alumni)

Lecture begins at 5:30 pm at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology.
