Alumni kudos!

Kudos to John Kannenberg MSP10)…   In November 2015, John served as the Museum Director for the opening of The Museum of Portable Sound, housed within the London College of Communication. This new institution dedicated to bringing the culture of sound to the public and it is dedicated to the collection, preservation, and exhibition of acoustic objects, as well as cultural artifacts related to the history and culture of sound. John recently published “Listening to Museums: Sound mapping towards a sonically inclusive museology” in the April 2016 edition of Museological Review, University of Leicester. In addition, he presented his paper, “The Museum of Portable Sound: Establishing a 21st century museum without walls, a paleonomy of the ‘sound object,’ and the case for a more sonically inclusive museology”, at the Sound Art Matters Conference in June 2016, at Aarhus University, Denmark. John has achieved doctoral candidacy through his program at the University of the Art, London. The working title for his dissertation is “Listening to Museums: Hearing museological sound objects in exhibition soundscapes.”