Museum Studies: 2023
Tour of the UM Museum of Natural History
MSP23 cohort at The Henry Ford
Site visit to Greenfield Village
Fall welcome reception at the UM Museum of Art
Eimeel Castillo’s (MSP18) tour of “Secrets of State: The Declassified History of the Chilean Dictatorship” exhibit
Heidi Hilliker (MSP20) presenting “Competing Interests: Examining Identity Politics in the Display of Ancient Egypt”
Visit to UM’s Stephen Clark Map Library
Museums in Practice series discussion: Access and Museums: Making Meaning through Online and Digital Connections
Visit to the Arab American National Museum
Visit to the UM Detroit Observatory
“Narrating Nubia” exhibit tour led by Bailey Franzoi (MSP21) and Shannon Ness (MSP15)
MSP23 students, Irma Guzman, Briana Kemmerling, Skyler Leslie, Leopoldo Martinez, present their Capstone project, Community Neighborhood Preservation in Detroit: Tools and Strategies for Engagement in Walking Tours
Cohort visit to the UM Museum of Natural History
Felix Zamora Gomez (MSP16) leads a tour of “A Gathering” an exhibit that he curated at the UM Museum of Art
Students explore the Ann Arbor Hands on Museum
Duane Koyawena presents “Hopi R2D2 and the Return of the Force: Star Wars and Indigenous Art”
Tour of the Detroit Historical Museum
Cohort visit to the Detroit Historical Museum
MSP23 students visit the Kempf House in Ann Arbor
Emily Finch (MSP18) presents “We Need to HEAR Them Out: Addressing the Issue of Nazi Expropriated Art Through the Lens of Recent Policies and Practices”
Visiting scholar, Joshua Bell, leads a workshop, “Exploding Objects – An Anthology of Affordances, Obligations, and Our Interconnections”

MSP23 cohort at The Henry Ford
Visual souvenirs from the twentieth cohort of the Museum Studies graduate certificate program.