Museum Studies: 2007
Museum Studies Program
· Updated
MSP07 students meeting with the staff of the Detroit Science Center during a site visit.
Chris Dempsey (MSP05), Curator of the U-M Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments, meeting with MSP07 students.
Lindsay Stern, Bea Zengotitabengoa and Monica Huerta presenting their capstone project, (Re)located Things: The Found Object in Africa.
MSP07 cohort, Director Ray Silverman and Associate Director Bradley Taylor gather for group photo at the end-of-the-year party.
MSP07 students posing in front of Diego Rivera mural during site visit to the Detroit Institute of Arts.
Harold Skramstad, President Emeritus of Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village and MSP Visiting Scholar, delivering 2008 Whitesell Lecture.

MSP07 cohort, Director Ray Silverman and Associate Director Bradley Taylor gather for group photo at the end-of-the-year party.
Visual souvenirs from the fifth cohort of the MSP graduate program.