
  • Audience at MSP@10 discussion
    Audience at the roundtable discussion about the theory and practice of museum work.
  • Carla Sinopoli at MSP@10 reception
    Incoming Director of the MSP, Carla Sinopoli, addressing the guests at the MSP@10 reception.
  • Dean Janet Weiss at MSP@10
    Dean of Rackham Graduate School, Janet Weiss, addressing guests at the MSP@10 reception.
  • Deirdre Hennebury (MSP04) and Andrew Gurstelle (MSP09)
    Deirdre Hennebury (MSP04) and Andrew Gurstelle (MSP09) participating in the roundtable about the theory and practice of museum work.
  • Elaine Heumann Gurian leading discussion with MSP students
    Elaine Heumann Gurian leading a conversation with MSP students regarding the future of museums.
  • MSP alums and Elaine Heumann in Rackham Amphitheatre
    MSP alums join Elaine Heumann Gurian in a roundtable discussion about the theory and practice of museum work in the Rackham Graduate School beautiful Amphitheater.
  • MSP alums and Elaine Heumann roundtable discussion
    MSP alums join Elaine Heumann Gurian in a roundtable discussion about the theory and practice of museum work. From left to right, Deirdre Hennebury (MSP04), Andrew Gurstelle (MSP09), Katie Raff (MSP05), Elaine Heumann Gurian, Clara Cahill (MSP09), and Leah Niederstadt (MSP05).
  • MSP Director Raymond Silverman
    Director of the MSP, Raymond Silverman, addressing the guests at the MSP@10 reception.
  • MSP@10 reception
    MSP students - past and present - enjoying a Zingerman's-catered lunch before the afternoon program of presentations and discussion.
  • MSP05 Katie Raff, Elaine Heumann Gurian, and MSP09 Clara Cahill
    MSP05 student, Katie Raff (left) and MSP09 student, Clara Cahill (right), listening to Elaine Heumann Gurian (center) during discussion about the theory and practice of museum work.
  • MSP09 cohort at MSP@10 celebration
    Members of the MSP09 cohort "hamming it up" for the camera. From left to right, Joe Cialdella, Clara Cahill, Sarah Gothie, Andrew Gurstelle, and Liz Vandermark.
Elaine Heumann Gurian leading a conversation with MSP students regarding the future of museums.