Category: News & Publications
The Museum Scholar is a free peer-reviewed international journal that publishes research by museum students and emerging professionals. Original and unpublished work that explores all topics important to the museum community are welcome for submission. Additional information is available in the attachment or at Museum...
The Roman world was a colorful place. Although we often associate the Romans with white marble statues, these statues — as well as Roman homes, clothing, and art — were vibrant with color. This exhibition examines colors in the ancient Roman world, how these...
Are you interested in museums, collections, and heritage sites? Are you considering pursuing the graduate certificate in museum studies? Join us for a reception to learn more about the program. Faculty and current students can chat with you about anything you might be wondering...
Kudos to… Erica Lehrer (MSP04) Associate Professor in History and Sociology/Anthropology Departments at Concordia University, Montreal who recently co-curated an exhibit, “Terribly Close: Polish Vernacular Artists Face the Holocaust,” which is on display at the Ethnographic Museum in Krakow, Poland.
The PennCHC invites proposals for papers from graduate students and other researchers working in the disciplines of archaeology and/or cultural heritage for the Penn Cultural Heritage Center Annual Meeting on Community Archaeology on March 30, 2019. The topic for this year’s conference is “Conceptualizing...
Kudos to… Emily Kutil (MSP12), adjunct professor at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture and a freelance designer, has just created an exhibition about Detroit’s Black Bottom neighborhood that is currently on display at the Detroit Public Library. “Black Bottom Street View”...