Category: News & Publications
Kudos to… Kimberly Ransom (MSP18), doctoral student in Educational Studies who is bringing childhood voices back into the story of the historic Rosenwald school in Pickens County, Alabama. Ransom and Rosenwald alumni have worked together on a museum at the restored school to commemorate...
Congratulations to Bradley L. Taylor, Associate Director of the Museum Studies Program, who recently received the President’s Award from the Michigan Museums Association. This award was selected by the MMA Board President to honor deep commitment and service to the Michigan Museums Association and...
A comprehensive presidential arts initiative designed to “unleash imagination and creativity” at the University of Michigan was announced Oct 3 by President Mark Schlissel. Underscoring the importance of the arts—including their power to foster creativity, create fuller and smarter humans, and advance humanity—Schlissel also...
The Museum Scholar (TMS) is accepting submissions from current students and emerging professionals. Submissions can include original, unpublished work that explores all topics important to the museum community. Consider turning your final paper or master’s thesis into an article! Submissions are reviewed on a rolling...
The Institute for Social Research presents “Our Voices from the Past Carry Us into the Future: Anishnaabek/Odawa History, Culture, and Repatriation” October 17 at 10:00 am, Institute for Social Research Eric Hemenway will discuss Odawa geography, history, and his work with repatriation of human...
“The Unvarnished Truth”: Reframing the National Narrative at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture William S. Pretzer, Senior Curator of History, Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture This presentation will explore the American story through the lens...