Category: News & Publications

Alumni kudos!

Roxana Aras (MSP16) completed an internship at the Sursock Museum in Lebanon which allowed her to do research work for one of their main exhibitions, “Baalbek, Archives of an Eternity.”

African Art After Independence, 1957-1977

MSP founding director and current Steering Committee member, Professor Ray Silverman writes on the History of Art Department’s initiatives involving the study and research of African Art in the 2019-2020 academic year.  He will be assisted in this project by Postdoctoral Research Fellow and...

Kudos for Fall 2019

Luciana Aenasoaie (MSP08) serves as Associate Director of Research Mentor and Training at the University of Michigan’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program. She teaches a course titled “Let’s Talk Research: Intro to Scholarly Communication,” where undergraduate researchers explore ways to communicate their inquiry to their...

Interdisciplinary conference call for papers

The University of St. Thomas Art History, English, Museum Studies, and Creative Writing graduate programs will host an interdisciplinary conference on Friday, April 24, 2020. This conference is titled “Urban Experience in Art, Literature, Architecture, Film, Museums, Creative Writing, and New Media.” While papers...