Category: Videos

Natural History Collections and Pandemic Preparedness

In this session, Cody Thompson and Kendra Phelps will discuss their article, “Preserve a Voucher Specimen! The Critical Need for Integrating Natural History Collections in Infectious Disease Studies,” published in January 2021. With COVID-19 as an example of the failed merger of host-pathogen research...

Our National Marine Sanctuaries, Protecting America’s Underwater Treasures: A Survey of Michigan’s Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve

Preserved by the cold freshwater on which they once served, more than 200 shipwrecks are believed to rest in Lake Huron’s Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary. The sheer number of shipwrecks is impressive. However, it is their excellent state of preservation and what they...

Museum Narratives and Transnational Reputations: History, State Legitimacy, and Contested Heritage in Ukraine and Spain

Presenters: Grace Mahoney (PhD candidate, Slavic Languages and Literatures) Félix Zamora-Gómez (PhD candidate, Romance Languages and Literatures) Overview: How do curatorial works and memorial sites simultaneously serve as tools for constructing national identities and as materials in a state’s claim for transnational reputation? How...