Category: Videos

Conversations about . . . Museums and Civic Engagement

Liz Sevcenko, Director of the International Coalition of Historic Sties of Conscience, and UM Professor of American Culture, Julie Ellison, engage in a conversation about museums and civic engagement, Winter 2006. Our featured guest, Liz Sevcenko, is the Director of the International Coalition of...

Conversations about . . . Museums and Science

Rob Semper, Executive Director of the Exploratorium (San Francisco, CA) and UM Professor of Physics, Timothy McKay, engage in a conversation about the presentation of science in today’s museum, Winter 2006. Our featured guest, Dr. Rob Semper, a physicist and science educator, is Executive...

Conscience, Controversy, and Community: Case Studies from the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History

Christy S. Coleman, Director of the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History (Detroit, MI) presenting in the lecture series, Museums and Community, Fall 2005. Celebrating 40 years of service to the Detroit Metropolitan area, the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American...