Category: Gallery

What’s the Object of this Museum?  Everyday Resistance at the National Public Housing Museum

Worker cooperatives to build a solidarity economy, contemporary art that grapples with history and unleashes radical imaginations about our collective futures, everyday objects and labels written by public housing residents, cultural work that contributes to more just public policies and reparations, collective joy and civic love.  Learn...

L’Internationale and the Democracy Pavilion for Europe

L’Internationale’s Democracy Pavilion for Europe aims to reenergize democracy as a desire and practice. It takes the arts’ potential as a starting point for imagining new epistemologies and ethics of living together within the limits of the planet. The pavilion responds to the current political moment...

Museums and their Communities: Curatorial Practices in Germany and the US

How do museums engage with local communities? This panel offers first-hand experience with different models of museum-based community practice. With its exhibit “Frankfurt Jetzt” (Frankfurt Now) & Stadtlabor (City Laboratory), Frankfurt’s historical museum has turned to the city’s residents as experts and invited them to participate...

Natural History Collections and Pandemic Preparedness

In this session, Cody Thompson and Kendra Phelps will discuss their article, “Preserve a Voucher Specimen! The Critical Need for Integrating Natural History Collections in Infectious Disease Studies,” published in January 2021. With COVID-19 as an example of the failed merger of host-pathogen research...