Category: Gallery

Doing Science . . . Anytime, Anyplace: Using Web and Mobile Technologies to Support Nomadic Inquiry between Science Classrooms and Museums

In this second lecture of the Reimagining Engagement series, Christopher Quintana, Associate Professor of Education (Learning Technologies) at the University of Michigan, discusses how technology might be used to encourage scientific inquiry in museum contexts. Current national K-12 science education recommendations envision expanding beyond...

Materiality Matters: Experiencing the Displayed Object

A presentation by Sandra Dudley, Programme Director for the MA in Interpretation, Representation and Heritage, in the School of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester, in the 2010-11 Issues in Museum Studies lecture series. What happens when we engage with material things in...

The Participatory Museum: Inspiring, Supporting, and Evaluating Visitor Participation in Cultural Institutions

In this first lecture of the Reimagining Engagement series, Nina Simon, exhibition designer and author of the Museum 2.0 blog, discusses strategies for incorporating visitor participation into the work and life of the museum. In 2006, technologist Tim O’Reilly defined Web 2.0 as “software...

Ko Tawa: Where are the glass cabinets?

A presentation by Paul Tapsell, Chair in Maori Studies and Dean of Te Tumu, the School of Maori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies at the University of Otago, New Zealand, in the 2010-11 Issues in Museum Studies lecture series. How do we measure an exhibition’s...