Category: Gallery
Experts speak. Colleagues discuss. Students engage . . . and have fun. The Video and Photo Galleries offer a window into some of the many memorable events and activities organized by the Museum Studies Program. Topical colloquia, lectures, and workshops about issues in museum studies feature prominent scholars and practitioners who examine a wide range of current issues facing the museum world. Our video samples convey the range of ideas and interests explored within the Museum Studies Program. The photos take you inside the world of our students and scholars, visually documenting their work and the life of the program.
Museum Studies: 2023
Visual souvenirs from the twentieth cohort of the Museum Studies graduate certificate program.
Unseen Connections: A Natural History of the Cellphone
What is the role of anthropology in a natural history museum in the 21st century? Thinking through the issues bundled up in this question, within this talk I will discuss a new exhibit Cellphone: Unseen Connections that I curated at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History....
Video recording – Know Thyself: The Importance of Vision in Museum Leadership
Presentation by Neil Barclay, President and CEO, Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History As museums grapple with the complexity of a social, political and economic change in the communities they serve, visionary leadership of these institutions becomes critically important. While there are...