Author: Museum Studies Program

Mellon Public Humanities Fellowships

Mellon Public Humanities fellowships are open only to humanities doctoral students. They provide humanities doctoral students with summer stipends (generally $3,360 to $4,500) to support an extended opportunity to increase their capacities as scholars while exploring expanded career paths at a variety of host...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to…  Kristine Ronan (MSP09) has accepted a postdoctoral fellowship at the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Research Center in Santa Fe, NM to begin in Spring 2017.

Museum Studies meet & greet Jan 24

Join us for an informal meet & greet with faculty and graduate students to share information about the program.  Applications for the 2017-18 school year are due February 24, so this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the program.  Please encourage graduate...

Brown bag Jan 13 – History Compels Us to be Daring: Sites of Conscience in Action Around the World

The International Coalition of Sites of Conscience draws connections between historic sites and their contemporary implications, and this presentation will explore ways that sites of conscience serve as safe spaces to tell multiple stories in contentious environments and provide a platform for individuals to...