Author: Museum Studies Program
Museum Studies student capstone project presentations will be held April 12 & 17 at 6:00 pm in the Eldersveld Room (5th floor, Haven Hall). April 12: projects at the Toledo Museum of Art and Cranbrook Center for Collections and Research. April 17: projects at...
All across this country, in cities and in rural areas, cultural institutions are helping to strengthen our communities through the arts, history, culture and science…. These organizations are working to foster meaningful dialogue about what’s important to their communities and to the country. Read...
Kudos to Courtney Cottrell (MSP 12) who assisted with Ancestral Women Exhibit: Wisconsin’s 12 Tribes this past fall at the Center for the Visual Arts in Wausau, WI. In this exhibit, award-winning jacquard weaver, Mary Burns, honored womens’ journeys by creating their portraits in jacquard weavings. ...
Tobi Voigt from the Detroit Historical Society will discuss a current project to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the civil unrest of July 1967. Called Detroit 67: Looking Back to Move Forward, the project’s purpose is to bring together diverse voices and communities around...
When Englishman James Smithson left $500,000 to the United States of America to establish the Smithsonian Institution in 1829, he improbably forced the United States Congress to design America’s first national benevolent institution. This talk will address how Congress came to a decision about...
The MSP graduate certificate program creates an interdisciplinary environment for exploring historical and current theoretical, ethical and practice-based issues in and about museums (and related cultural institutions) from an “applied-theory” (or “critical practice”) perspective. In a 12-credit hour plus practicum curriculum, students gain a...