Author: Museum Studies Program

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to…  Anna Topolska (MSP11) – Anna continues to be based in Poznan, Poland, developing her business (a language school and a translation office) and working as Polish-English translator and English language instructor. She recently had three new articles published (one about photographs used...

Apply to join MSP

Application season is here to join Museum Studies in Fall, 2018.  If you are interested in museums, collections, and/or cultural heritage, this might be a great program for you to consider.  Applications are due February 24.  Detailed application information can be found here.  ...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to… Rachel Chamberlain (MSP14) works as the Education Outreach Specialist at Boston College’s McMullen Museum of Art.  At the museum, she has begun a Museum Current lecture series which invites scholars and museum professionals to present lectures pertaining to issues in museum studies. ...