Author: Museum Studies Program

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to…  Caroline Braden (MSP13) wrote a chapter called “Accessibility Evolving at The Henry Ford” that was included in a book that was recently published, An Accessible Past: Making Historic Sites Accessible.  Caroline’s writing is about the evolution of the accessibility programs at The...

Student kudos!

Kudos to… Charlotte Juergens (MSP22) is a Brooklyn Arts Council grant recipient. The grant funds are supporting Charlotte’s work on her feature documentary in production, currently titled “Afterthought.” This fall, Charlotte screened “Afterthought” as a part of a series of programs she organized and which...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to… Shannon Ness (MSP15) joined the staff at the University of Michigan Kelsey Museum of Archaeology this winter as the university programs coordinator. In this position, Shannon leads tours and object-handling sessions for university classes and assists with other programming for the Education...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to… Ashley Miller (MSP10) has been named the new Assistant Curator of African Art at the University of Michigan Museum of Art. Over the past few years since completing her PhD in the History of Art here at UM, Ashley served as the...

Alumni kudos!

Kudos to… Sarah Gothie (MSP09) had the following articles published: “Pandemic Pantry in the Big Woods: A Quest for Certainty During COVID-19.” Digest: A Journal of Foodways and Culture, Theresa A. Vaughan and Lucy M. Long, eds. Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 111-118. 2022. “‘I...