Author: Museum Studies Program
March 10 presentation – Listening to Object Witnesses: Decolonizing Research in Museum Collections – by Margaret M. Bruchac, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania Dr. Bruchac will discuss strategies for recovering Indigenous object histories through material analyses, consultation, and re-assessments of imposed...
Tuesday, March 10 at 4:00 pm Room 130, Tappan Hall (Department of History of Art) Dr. Hirose is the foremost authority of museum accessibility in Japan. He has worked on the practical study and prevalence of “tactile exhibits,” drawing on his experience of being...
Kudos to… Elizabeth Harmon (MSP10) has begun a new position as a Digital Curator at the Smithsonian Institution Archives in Washington, DC. She produces digital resources and exhibitions about women in science from the nineteenth century to the present, and her work will support...
The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan is pleased to announce the program for this year’s Early Career Scientist Symposium. This year’s theme is Natural History Collections: Drivers of Innovation—an exciting symposium about innovative and unconventional uses of biological collections across scientific...
Helen Dixon (MSP07) began a position as Assistant Professor of History at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. She teaches courses related to museum studies, such as “Approaches to Historical Objects.”
How do we create a collections policy? How do we document donations of artifacts and what should you say – and not say – and do for your donors? We have bugs and rodents; what do we do? What are agents of deterioration? How do we number...