Author: Museum Studies Program
This Letter from the Field was shared with us by Caitlin Townsend – MSP13. I’m now six weeks into my practicum experience in Glasgow, Scotland. My project is to research, develop, and write the key themes and stories for the redisplay of the West...
Here are some alumni accomplishments that we learned about in June. Henrike Florusbosch (MSP03) Henrike has published an article in Anthropology News on two community-based heritage initiatives in West Africa. The article, “Chiefs and Griots Making Culture: The Politics and Economics of Local Heritage Initiatives...
Visual souvenirs from the twelfth cohort of the MSP graduate program.
This Letter from the Field was shared with us by Justin Meyer, MSP12. I can’t believe my practicum experience is almost over. Who knew I would accomplish and learn so much in three short months? My mentor for the past three months, Kristin Bayans,...
Carla, Brad, and members of the MSP13 cohort spent a few days in Chicago touring area museums.
Here are some alumni accomplishments that we learned about in January. David Choberka (MSP03) David has been hired as the Mellon Academic Coordinator at the University of Michigan Museum of Art, where he works with faculty and graduate students to help them use the...