Michigan Museums Association – Call for papers

Call for student papers for Michigan Museums Association 2017 conference.
Deadline to submit proposals: March 13, 2017
Conference dates: October 17 – 19, 2017
Conference Location: Lansing, Michigan
Sharing Our Stories: The Role of Michigan Museums
Are Museums Important?
For museum professionals, that question has an obvious answer. We are the stewards of the stories of our communities. From the objects we collect and preserve to our exhibits and programs; from the sense of place we provide and the tourism we drive — of course that is important. Of course museums are important.
But that value is not always as obvious to those outside the field on whom we rely for support: our governments, our funders, and even to our visitors and communities. We need to tell our own story as well. We need to talk about how we are serving and who we are serving.
In an ever-changing and unpredictable world, now is the time to emphasize our role. By preserving and sharing stories, museums advocate for the communities we represent. By sharing the stories of museums, we demonstrate our value to those we serve.
Stories spark curiosity, inspire creativity, and build bridges. What are the stories of your museum? What are the stories of the Michigan museum community? The Michigan Museums Association (MMA) is now accepting session proposals for the 2017 conference. Together, let’s galvanize the role of Michigan’s museums.